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Listed here are the weekly storylines sent out by Nataku in the newsletter every Saturday. The consequence of a storyline is posted under it.
Week of July 9th
A bomb has been planted on a mobile suit belonging to a yet undisclosed organization. All information our sources have obtained will be relayed ASAP. All organizations have agreed to give a $1,750 reward to the person who only discovers the bomb's location to disarm it, or only identifies the person who is to be held accountable. A one half rank promotion will be awarded should someone discover both the bomb's placement and the culprit. Civilians will be awarded $1,000 in place of partial promotion and $2,500 in place of full promotion. Enlisted persons may accept the cash instead of promotion if they so wish and their organization's leader(s) allow it.
As of now, we have obtained the following information:
1. The culprit opposes OZ's methods.
2. The culprit has a working knowledge of current technology used in Mobile Suits, which suggests training in modern technology.
3. Information suggests that the culprit is aware of Mobile Suits' weak points, possibly through demolition training.
4. The bomber supports the Colonies' efforts to maintain freedom.
5. The bomb is not planted on an OZ suit.
Consequence: Unsolved
While initiating her mobile suit for a practice run, Dayne Schiltz inadvertently detonated a bomb set on her suit. The authorites have reviewed the information they received, and have located the culprit.
At first glance, all signs pointed to Dayne Schiltz. But you must remember, Dayne was a member of the Coalition, and would not be opposed to violent methods, as the Coalition feels that the ends justify the means, much like OZ. So by that, we eliminate all Coaltion members as bombers. We also were told that the bomber supported the Colonies' struggle for freedom, naming them as a member of the Resistance. So, we turn our attention to the Colony Resistance. We were told that the bomber knew of mobile suits' weak points, and the current technology being used. But a question must be asked; how could a Resistance member slip past Alliance security? (As you will recall, the bomb was not planted on an OZ suit.) They couldn't. Not without covert training. The culprit lacked this training, and therefore could not have planted it on an Alliance suit. By process of elimination, it must be on a Coalition suit. But we only know of one prominent Coalition member, and they were the victim. The Co
alition would notice a Resistance member in their presence, as they are a cautious, perhaps even paranoid group. Surely they wouldn't notice a mechanic. A little old mechanic, who must know about mobile suits' weak point and their technology if he works around them all day. Who is a mechanic that we know of? Mr. Jonas Avanzini, former General in the Colony Resistance. As a member of the old Resistance, he felt the Coalition's terrorist ways were responsible for much unnecessary bloodshed within the Colonies.
Stunned by the assassination of Dayne Schiltz, the Colony Resistance and Colony Coalition agreed to exile Jonas Avanzini. Mysteriously, Avanzini's transport ship exploded just after take-off, killing Avanzini and two pilots. Tragically, one of the pilots was Mikaila Rudnetzia, the Resistane's most valued covert specialist. Leaders of the Resistance believe the explosion to be to work of the Coalition, seeking revenge. When questioned, the leader of the Coalition neither admitted nor denied a role in the explosion, but did point out that Avanzini was a former General in the Conlony Resistance.
To be continued...
Week of July 15
Stunned by the assassination of Dayne Schiltz, the Colony Resistance and Colony Coalition agreed to exile Jonas Avanzini. Mysteriously, Avanzini's transport ship exploded just after take-off, killing Avanzini and two pilots. Tragically, one of the pilots was Mikaila Rudnetzia, the Resistane's most valued covert specialist. Leaders of the Resistance believe the explosion to be to work of the Coalition, seeking revenge. When questioned, leader of the Coalition neither admitted nor denied a role in the explosion, but did point out that Avanzini was a former General in the Conlony Resistance.
OZ, seeing these tensions between the two divisions of the Colonies' militaristic factions, decides that now is the best time to strike. Therefore, they challenge the Resistance's Angel to face their own Rage in a duel of Mobile Suits.
Week of July 30
Time: 0300
Location: Oz Military Base--Kuwait
Soldiers stationed there: Carter Tech, Zechs Merquise, Hunter Mcleod
In Kuwait:
The alarm at the base is buzzin at a frantic pitch. All available fighters are being called to the mobile suit hangar to activate their mobile suits and prepare for action. Three soldiers, led by Carter Tech, are the first to take to the battlefiled. Oz had been taken by a surprise attack concocted by the Colony Resistance.
The leader of the Resistance was none other than Strife Fokker. Fokker was being accompanied by Trowa Barton and Angel. Tech, Merquise, and Mcleod changed course to intercept the top three pilots of the Resistance. They couldn't help but be amazed at the Resistance's timing. 95% of the soldiers were on campaign in Western Europe. Only the top 5% were left to defend the Kuwait Base. And of the 5%, only three were capable mobile suit pilots. The rest were technicians in the control tower.
Mission Objectives for OZ:
- Defend the base at all costs. Even if it means surrendering your own mobile suit to self-destruction.
- Remember, the base has an H% of only 325.
- The three pilots defending the base must remain alive and well. If all three are injured, the base will be considered captured and it will fall into the hands of the Resistance.
- See the "Oz Restricted Access Area" for more information.
Mission Objectives for Colony Resistance:
- Sabatoge the SAM launchers.
- Defeat at least two of the three lone pilots that are defending the base.
- Capture the base if possible.
- See Resistance Restricted Access Area for more information.

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