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RPG Members
Listed here are the great members of the RPG:
Name: Trowa Barton
Rank: 1st Captain
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Upgrades to Suit: Titanium/Ceramic Composite Arms, Gundam Thrusters
Organization: Colony Resistance
MS Union: Team Gundam Assault Squad
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current Cash: $3,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Micro-Missile Launcher, Beam Sword
Handgun: Barton 9MM; Khusrenada Magnum 6 Shot
Area of Expertise: Open Combat, Technological Warfare(including demolitions)
Note: The below are not members, they are characters created to add spice to the storylines.
Name: Epyon5
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: None
Status: N/A
Mobile Suit H%: N/A
Organization: Oz Military
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Area of Expertise: Open combat, Covert Ops
Name: Heero Yuy
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Taurus
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Upgrades: Titanium/Ceramic Composite Arms
Organization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current Cash: $3,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Gun: Merquise Semi-Automatic 150; Khushrenada 6 Shot
Area of Expertise: Sniping, Open Combat
Name: Carter Tech
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Leo
Status: Suspended
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Organization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand guns: Barton 9MM, Chang2
Area of Expertise: Sniping, Covert Operations
Name: Duel Maxwell
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Organization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Area of Expertise: Open Combat
Name: Duo
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Taurus
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Upgrades: TCC Arms
Organization: United Earth Sphere Alliance
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Guns: Barton 9MM; Chang 2
Area of Expertise: Open Combat, Covert Attacks(ambushing)
Name: Rage
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Aires
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Organization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Machine Gun
Area of Expertise:
Name: Angel
Rank: 1st Captain
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%/150%
Upgrades: Gundam Thrusters, TCC Arms
Orginization: Colony Resistance
MS Union: Team Gundam Assault Squad
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Current Cash: $5,000
Handgun: Barton 9MM, Chang2
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Area's of Expertise: Science and Research
Name: Elpeo Ple
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, Communication
Name: Zechs Merquise
Rank: Soldier
Status: Suspended
Mobile Suit: Leo
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, Electronics
Name: Strife Fokker
Rank: 1st Captain
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Relations: Terra Fokker--Sister
Upgrades: Gundam Thrusters, TCC Arms
Mobile Suit H%: 150%/150%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
MS Union: Team Gundam Assault Squad
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Current Cash: $3,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Hand Guns: Merquise 150, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Piloting, Hacking
Name: Terra Fokker
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Jegan
Status: Ok
Relations: Strife Fokker--Brother
Mobile Suit H%: 175%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Hand Guns: Barton 9MM, Chang 2
Area's of Expertise: Strategist, Hand-to-Hand Combat
Name: Epyon0
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Leo
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Guns: TBA
Area's of Expertise: Electronics, Space Battle
Name: Stone
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Aires
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Machine Gun
Hand Guns: TBA
Area's of Expertise: Electronics, Open Combat
Name: Miliardo Peacecraft
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Upgrades: Titanium/Ceramic Composite Arms
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current Cash: $3,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Hand Guns: Barton 9MM, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Demolitions, Open Combat
Name: Hunter Mcleod
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Taurus
Status: Suspended
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Guns: Barton 9MM,
Area's of Expertise: Electronics, Sniping
Name: Night Stalker
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Aires
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Machine Gun
Hand Guns: Merquise 150, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Fire Support, Sniping
Name: Katra
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Jegan
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 195%
Upgrades: Titanium/Ceramic Composite Arms
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current Cash: $3,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Machine Gun
Hand Guns: Merquise 150, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, Sniping
Name: Dice
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Leo
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 170%
Orginization: Oz
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Guns: TBA
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, Hacking
Name: Justin Sholong
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Zaku III
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Colony Coalition
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle
Hand Guns: TBA
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, Tactical Operations
Name: Terry Bogard
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Hand Guns: Barton9MM, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, electronics
Name: Strikes
Rank: Soldier
Mobile Suit: Berga-Dalas
Status: Ok
Mobile Suit H%: 150%
Orginization: Colony Resistance
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Current Cash: $5,000
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Sword
Hand Guns: Barton 9MM, Khushrenada Magnum
Area's of Expertise: Open Combat, electronics

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